2 Corinthians 9:11 "You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to GOD"
The only time in the Bible where GOD says test me is in “Malachi 3:10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”
We would like to extend our sincerest Thank You to all of the People, Churches, Ministries and Organizations who have attended and supported Fish&BreadPrayerMinistry over the years. Thank You from the bottom of our hearts for the love everyone has shown, your presence was infectious and more valuable to us than priceless jewels. What you have given our Ministry will be stored in our hearts and the archives of Fish&BreadPrayerMinistry forever! " True Story "
We Thank You All For Your Donations, Dedication, Volunteering & Support
Alicia Martinez
Al McEwing
Althea Glover
Ana Williams
Anderson Elementary
Angela Brown
Angie Ward
Angie Woodard
Annie Williams
Anthony Ward
Antonio Rivera
Antonio Schjung
Arnold Talbert
Arthur Fuller
Arthur & Mary Jones
Arturo Torres
Attorney Jim & Jane Ashley
Barbara Ellis
Berline Reese
Bernadette Revis
Bessie Brooks
Betty Shoulders
Betty Smith
Billy Dorsey
Bonnie Ceafus
Brenda Perry
Bruce Walker
Carlton Johnson
Carmen Gonzales
Carol Buggs
Carol Lee
Carolyn Sue Smith
Cheryl Arps
Chip Matthews
Charletta Nelson
Christine Penson
Christopher Scott
Clara Underwood
Clarence Compton
Claudia Chavez
Claudra Hubbard
Connie Lopez
Curtis Whiting
Curtis Shoulders
Curtis Wilson
Dain Ervin
Damali Vaughn
Dana Duke
Danny Nguyen
Darrell Glenn
Darrell Williams
David Turner
Deacon Dan Williams
Deloyd Parker Jr.
Denise Blanton
Diana Hidalgo
Dr. Bruce Matson
Dr. Carolyn Evans-Shabazz
Dr. Edith Irby Jones
Dr. Jacqueline Evans
Dr. Madeline Washington
Dr. Pat Akindude
Dr. Romanuel Washington
Dr. Rosilyn Vaughn
Ed Kurek
Elaine Authorlee (Billy Baby)
Eleanor Victoria
Ellen Caulfield
Elva Speed Jackson
Emma Todd
Eric Garcia
Ervin Taylor
Eugene Chambers
Evangelist Michael Fernandez
Evangelist Tanya
Faye Poledore
Florence Coaxum
Frank Dumas
Frankie Mae Davis
Gail Mebane
George Walker
Gerald & Gloria Robinson
Gerald Womack
Gillian Ortez
Gilroy Poledore
Gina Hanchett
Glad Silva
Gracie Estrada
Hattie Fleming
Hollis Colbert
Hubert Washington
Imana Lancelin
Jackie Roberts
James Arps
Jay Blackshire
Jerrell Hunter
Jesse Rees
Jewel Davis
Jim Taylor
Joan Williams
John Houston
John Lee
John Williams
Joseph Babineaux
Joseph Sterling
Joshua Mitchell
Juany Sanchez
Julian Rhyne
Kam Williams
Karen Authorlee
Kathy Matthews
Keith Hughes
Kernel Bobb
Keyshia Child
Korey Eagleton
Lady B
Larry Uhi
Laura Graham
Lee & Janice Mitchell
Leslie Smith
Liliana Wiseman
Linda Bradford
Linda Simmons
Lionell Wilson
Lonal & Dorris Ellis Robinson
Lorena Broussard
Louis Edwards
Loyce Means
Ludell Weatherspoon
Luis Duarte
Lupe Alcocer
Manny & Kemberley Chacon
Marcia Mosie
Maria Botero
Matthew Gardner
Medrick Morris
Melba Moore
Melvin Duke
Michelle Hausey
Miguel Angel
Miguel Medina
Minister David Spotsville
Minister David Turner
Minister Edgar Fleming
Minister Faye Morris
Minister James Anderson
Minister James Carr
Minister Joseph Guinn
Minister Kenneth Smith
Minister Matilda Jolivette
Minister Nevada Compton
Minister Peyton Moore
Minister Ralphena Dodson
Minister Sheila Whiting
Minister Vanessa Fisher
Minister Warren Vaughn
Mitra Khalili
Mother Dember
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Bradford
Nikita Flannel Wilson
Nita Stepherson
Norris & Blanche Ward
Ollieyette Sheba Holman
Oneata V. Edwards
Ornal Griffin
Oscar Porter
Pamela Kaye
Pamela Wilson
Pastor Arthur Waldrup
Pastor Brandon Glaspie
Pastor Craig Ford
Pastor Dr. George E. Perry
Pastor Janet Allen
Patricia Carter
Ralph Duren
Ray Brackens
Ray & Wanda Daniel
Reggie Forch
Regina Calloway
Rickey Bradford
Ricky Ford
Ricky Jones
Rickey and Zerita Tutt
Robert Hudson
Robert Sanchez
Rodney Blake
Roman Jones
Ruby Jean Lacy
Ruthie & Clyde Kinsey
Shawn Smith
Sheila Johnson
Shirley White
Shyrel Lee
Sidney Johnson
Signora. Raleigh
Sugar Bowl
Susie Roy
Sweet Lou
Tammy Marshall
Theos Restaurant
Tom Mutote
Tracy Jackson
Tyra Williams
Tyrone & Stephanie Kennedy
Uncle Ben
Valda Britt
Velma Lloyd
Veronica Allen
Veronica Paniagua
Vivian Medard
Wallis Lancaster
Wanda Daniel
Will Kimcade
William Green
William Rose
Xavier Kurek
Yvonne "Greenie" Green
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